Mission Statement
“Leveraging technology to help protect our oceans, bays and waterways while making shipping more efficient.”
About Hull Scrubber Corporation
Hull Scrubber Corporation is a Veteran Owned and Operated ship hull cleaning service in the NW USA. Servicing ships transiting the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We provide Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) cleaning while ships are performing other tasks. Thus, preventing the need to shut down their ship to allow divers to be in the water to complete the task. This gain in efficiency and prevention of invasive species is in alignment with the region’s efforts to protect local waters. Having clean hulls also provides more efficiency for the ships, reducing cost of fuel, increasing hull speeds and reducing the carbon footprint of the shipping traffic.
Why Choose Hull Scrubber Corporation
The US Office of Naval Research and several other groups have published findings that highlight the effects of biofouling on a ship’s performance. As soon as a ship enters the water, biofouling starts to form. And increases on average reducing hull performance by 1% per month. By performing “Hull Grooming” in the water and not waiting until the ships are pulled out for dry dock servicing, ship operators can save more than 40% in fuel costs. Performing cleanings at 5-6 month intervals and keeping hulls under 5% biofouling will pay for itself typically in 7-10 days at sea in fuel savings alone. Add to that the reduced invasive species contamination of local waters and reduced carbon footprint for ships. A ship’s fuel cost makes up approximately 50% of the voyage operational expenses. And the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is directing more stringent standards for emissions.
Key Features / Advantages
We are able to clean hulls while the ships are performing other tasks, such as loading and unloading, bunker operations (refueling), or at anchor. Not requiring shut down or dry dock and not having divers in the water.

Invasive Species Mitigation
Cleaning/grooming biofouling off the hulls of ships will help protect the environment from invasive species. System cleans as approved by local regulatory agencies to protect environment from invasive species as well as copper and other hazardous products.

Video Feedback
Simultaneous Video Hull Inspection. Providing video feedback and documentation of hull condition.

Increased Ship Efficiency
Keeping ship hulls biofouling to a minimum increases the ships’ efficiency, reducing fuel consumption and carbon footprint.
Contact Us @ +1.503.789.3152